JLG Tilt Table

During my time working for JLG, I developed software and installed the hardware for an automated tilt table control system. JLG uses this system to validate the performance of its heavy equipment related to arial work platforms (AWP), Toyota material handling (TMH), and JerrDan trucks. While I can’t share specifics about my implementation, the following highlights accomplishments of the project.

I began the project by interviewing members of the research and development team who regularly used the table. From their feedback, I gathered a list of requirements to implement. The requirements ranged from critical for functionality to quality of life improvements. The most critical features related to safety, both of the user and of the table itself, which could be damaged if operated carelessly. Through multiple rounds of developing and interviewing, the system underwent many changes before its final design.

I developed the system using Parker hardware modules and the IQAN Design environment, an industry standard for heavy equipment. Along with providing the user with information about the tilt table angle, my software allows the user to set a target angle and automatically raise and level the table. The system included many safety features to prevent users from injuring themselves or damaging the table. The inclination sensors need to be placed in the correct orientation for the system to operate. If a sensor is placed incorrectly, the system will cease operation, warn the user, display which sensor is causing the warning and what the user needs to change to allow the system to continue normal operation.

Along with the main tilt table, I developed a portable demonstration system. This portable unit allowed me to showcase my system’s functionality and receive feedback from more remote team members. The portable version along with my thorough documentation will also help JLG install similar systems at its other facilities.


Energy Harvesting and Smart Sensing

